It has enabled me to connect with so many creative, friendly and even fitness conscious individuals.
A couple months ago I discovered an up and coming designer by the name of Racquel Dwomoh. Her hand crafted statement tees, totes and bracelets are highly sought after for their unique appeal, vibrant colors and eloquent display of homage to her African ancestry.
Her popular t-shirts and sweatshirts showcase many different faces of beautiful brown women adorned with various natural hairstyles and bold kente patterns. Every time I go to order my choice of shirt from the shop, it is sold out, I kid you not! The people love her ^_^
Even though we have yet to meet in person she’s always been so welcoming when I message her on instagram. I am so grateful to be able to interview her for
I honestly don’t even know how she finds the time while managing her growing empire!
You can check out her shop QuellyRue Designs here.
I have always expressed my creativity in one form or another. I don’t think I ever seriously considered being anything other than an artist or maker of some sort.
The inspiration behind QuellyRue Designs comes from many places – my cultural legacy, my colorful memories growing up as a child in the buzzing city of Accra, Ghana, my own crazy imaginations, nature, happiness, truth, colors, textures, African prints, the beautiful women of Africa, the beauty of natural hair, and individuals also inspire me. I try my hardest to remain open because inspiration can visit anytime.
There’s a great joy in dreaming of an idea and then creating it with your own hands. Every day I feel lucky to do what I do.
If I can make someone smile and feel happy when they give or receive one of my pieces, I am rewarded. To create for a living is not only my pleasure, it’s my privilege, and I’m very grateful for that.
QuellyRue Designs is my baby and I am so proud of its success. I truly am enjoying this beautiful dream while awake.
Social networking is a great way to promote your product and it’s FREE!
For example, my business Instagram page has brought a large number of customers into my shop.
I really love connecting with my customers, and seeing people enjoy something that I’ve made.
I am endlessly thankful for all of the dedicated bloggers who have promoted my work over the years, and I am always humbled by the comments and compliments that I receive from family, friends, customers, and fans.
During my transition phase, I lived on all the natural hair care blogs, YouTube channels, forums, etc for guidance.
I practically transformed into a natural hair scientist/chemist, balancing the PH levels of my hair, concocting DIY homemade hair products, and hunted down all those fancy oils in their purest forms (jojoba, rosemary, olive oil, etc). The experience became quiet overwhelming for me.
I dread going to beauty supply stores for hair products. I walk in and feel as though I just entered a new world. Suddenly, I am attacked by products with labels I need to fully inspect for those harsh chemicals I can barely pronounce.
I just get so lost and confused. I keep it very simple now and stick to my good ole 100% Pure Unrefined Organic Raw shea butter with a splash of H2O.
My mother used Shea butter on my hair growing up, and it still works wonders keeping my hair moisturized. And like most naturalbelles, I try not to shampoo my hair as often because I find that shampoo strips my hair of its natural oils. So instead, I condition at least 1 to every 2 weeks. And when I do shampoo, I pre-poo first with whatever oils I have available. I also use leave in conditioner when styling.
I’ve been using Cantu Shea Butter and I like it. I try not fuss with too many hair products because I do have very sensitive skin and the last thing I want is to cause a breakout from using too many different products.
When I travel all I need is my wide tooth comb, a satin bonnet to protect my hair at night, conditioner, and shea butter.
I just thought “what will be will be.” I was actually quite nervous to jump in, but I’m so glad I did. My business has definitely helped me grow a lot as an artist and a person.
I’m always humbled by the thought that my pieces are somewhere in other people’s closet or jewelry box, and part of someone’s life.
I’m also constantly surprised by how warm and appreciative customers are towards grassroots shops like mine. It is very important to always align your creations with your vision and your values. There are so many designers making so many incredible goods.
You just have to use your own style and your own talent and make the things in the super-special way that is your own.
Today, it can be a painting for home décor. Tomorrow it might be jewelry for my accessories line. Heck, I just might decide to write a book next and add author to my resume.
I believe that regardless of whether you are a celebrity, YouTube guru, “true/real” artist, as long as you truly love doing what you do and it comes from the core of your soul, your work will speak for itself and you will shine regardless.
And if your actions inspire others to become more and or to invest and support your work, even better! Do what you love, and the rest will follow.
I admire her and I adore her creations 🙂
Yes! She is awesome!