Happy July 1st amigos!
July is my favorite month because for starters it’s my birth month and who doesn’t love celebrating the 4th of July!
This year this month is really special because of the launch of a new ebook!
If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning way back in 2011 you know I love doing interviews! And of course nothing has changed in the last 4 years with regards to my love for having people share their knowledge on this platform.
When I joined Peace Corps I knew I would have to conjure up a interview series with Peace Corps Volunteers.
So last August I came up with an idea for a series called ” Outside In” which would have Black American volunteers sharing their PCV stories. And then I had hoped to try to interview different ethnic minorities or anyone who defined themselves as “other”.
Race and diversity is one of those topics that we really don’t talk about well (as I am noticing) in Peace Corps and I just want to give people opportunities to share what they are experiencing from an organic place. And this blog is and will also be a safe space.
Earlier this year I decided to change the name of the series and interview expats/volunteers from around the world. The series launched during black history month and we had travelers from all over contributing from places like Viet Nam, Korea, and Ethiopia.
From those interviews this new ebook was born. I thought putting together all the stories of the Black American Peace Corps volunteers would allow for a way to easily share and download their interviews for those who are inspired.
All the interviews are already on the blog but this just enables you to have something to keep in your pocket or backpack 😉
Download your copy of Black American Peace Corps Volunteers today!
Black American Peace Corps Volunteers: Our Story
Thank you to the volunteers that participated in this edition. Hopefully there will be volume 2!
I hope you enjoy reading their amazing stories again and as always please let me know if you have any questions.
Feel free to comment below as well.
See you later.
Go siame!
Amazing work Tamara!
Thanks Christine!