Its started out as just a challenge, a 30 day challenge to be exact. But it quickly became something more.
Well actually let me clarify.
Its been one week post the challenge and I have yet to go to the market to buy food.
Actually my fridge is pretty empty apart from the bowl of seasoned tofu covered in mold and some chopped carrots and zucchini.
I know it nasty but its actually quite symbolic of my life right now. Post challenge this past week has been really busy and I’ve been eating out a lot. And quite frankly I am tired of thinking about food.
Many times during the challenge I thought, ” How privileged am I to even have this choice, not to eat any animal products“. Because there are so many people right now starving and willing to eat anything.
There are also many people that are on the opposite end of the spectrum who are so over weight, because they don’t care what they ingest or are too dependent on food. Food is their life, their calm after a bad breakup, or even celebratory moments.
There were two days when I hardly ate anything and only had lavender tea and water. Maybe even some crackers. I just wanted to stop focusing on ingredients and if pig butt was in my Kimchi soup during school lunch. I wanted the teachers in my office to stop worrying that I am not getting any protein. I wanted my friends to feel comfortable to eat out with me at any restaurant and not worry that there might not be any vegan options.
Veganism became a bit overwhelming at some points. But it made me realize that I am not into labels. I just want to eat healthy good food. I don’t want to be that person who is vegan today and vegetarian tomorrow or even in the same moment.
I don’t want to be depend on food. But I want to continue to research what is good for my growing body and why.
I view meat differently now. In this country, Koreans chew really loudly with their mouths open. You know what I mean! Think of a disgusting person with really bad table manners (western standards). Chewing and talking with food leaking out their mouths. Think of that nasty saliva splattering everywhere and even in your plate as they talk to you. Now think of that sound as saliva and teeth chomping mixes with the flesh of some dead grilled carcass.
Every time I’m out now that’s what I see and hear and its disgusting. So I can’t even think of chewing meat again in the same way. Thanks Korea!…smh.
At most I can handle seafood if I have too. Actually no, if I want to!
I did lose weight and my clothes are looser. My acne is still aggravated. It started while I was on vacation in the Malaysian and Singaporean heat. But the acne stayed even with the diet change. So I don’t know what to say about that one 🙁
I feel lighter and a bit more energetic. I realized I needed to have many snack stashes in my bag and in my office. Because I was always hungry. But it felt good to know I can eat every hour because all I am eating will be digested quickly anyway 🙂
So will I be a vegan now?..probably not.
Has my diet change?…Yes…but now I will still try to eat clean without any vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian/labels 🙂
Do you I think everyone should try a vegan challenge? Sure! Why not. It might be a lot easier in other countries than it was in Korea.
Final thoughts….Just do your research and have a good understanding on why you are even learning about veganism in the first place. Not just for yourself but for all the people that will have 1000’s of questions 🙂
Hey you just might inspire someone to try it!
I give prop to vegans. Its not an easy lifestyle. And people will judge you because you choose not to eat meat.
Being a black woman in Korea and a vegan…was just plain interesting ha ha.
Vegan..that wouldn’t fly for me. I would lose too much weight as I did when I use to be a picky eater. I commend you though! I like how you always try something before giving it the thumbs up/down. lol. Humans are mammals, we need to eat meat. I think one of the problems is that it is hard these days to TRUST the meat sold to us. If you ask me I think that how vegetarianism started lol. Seriously though, with all the chemicals and hormones not to mention unsanitary and cruel conditions some animal endure before being slathered is sad; and unhealthy for them and us. Great post!!
Yea it wasn’t easy but it was a good learning experience. I think its important to try different things so that we will know for ourselves our likes and dislikes. Like I wanted to try living in Korea for 1 year. Do I like it…ha ha…I’ll answer this later 🙂
Learning that people really do eat dogs here helped make the challenge easier. It actually ignited it. Can I live as a vegan? If I wanted to. But I only know this now because of exploring the life style. Me gusta challenges!