I learned about The Secret Law of Attraction over 10 or 15 years ago. I’m not sure if it started with the movie The Secret or watching the Oprah show. But I’ve internalized and practiced the message for and I must admit it does “work”. Why is work in quotations Tamara?
With anything in life, the pursuit of something greater can not be accomplished without the action to back up the vision or desire. I’ve been thinking about how this rings so true as I reflected on my past travels, career transitions, and even the work I put into this blog. I’ve been dormant for several months but with good reason. I’ll explain what I’ve been up to since I moved to the District. And give a crash course in The Secret Law of Attraction with three crash course tips to remember.
December 2016
I started a new job in D.C in December 2016. Four months prior, in August, I started the process of readjusting back into American, life, customs and culture as a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. I wrote a lengthy post about it so I’ll spare the details. Four months is honestly not enough time to readjust and deal with reverse culture shock. But I needed to start working ASAP before Navient aka Sallie Mae started harassing me. I accepted a job in D.C. without having a place to live. But because GOD is good family support always wins. My sisters’ best friend allowed me to stay with her for two months until I got on my feet.
But Tamara what happened to the readjustment allowance from Peace Corps? Life! With:
- paying on bills that were kinda in deferment (not really but thats a separate blog post)
- buying new clothes for work
- going to the doctors
- buying a new car battery
- indulging in food I’d missed
- and taking my mom on a trip to South Africa, I was left with about $600.
The struggle was real but never again (working towards being financially free!…another blog post perhaps?). I moved to D.C. with $600, a duffle gym bag filled with new work clothes, and a hope and a prayer.
Job Hunting
To even get to that point, in January 2016 I started my job search by writing out the types of roles & responsibilities I wanted in my new position AND the locations. Actually in my Peace Corps house there was a poster on my wall (a vision board of sorts) that had a listing of the places I wanted to visit when returning stateside. You can actually see it in this video. Once I had the idea of the types of jobs I wanted I spent countless hours searching and applying. My internet at the time was extremely slow. But I realized that any small daily actions taken to job search would prove fruitful in the future, so I persisted.
Crash course tip #1
January 2017 to December 2017
No I’m not going to review the entire year, just the moments that stand out that the secret Law of Attraction was in play.
Apartment Hunting
I made a list of all the important aspects that I wanted in an apartment. I wrote it down in a little note book and kept it in my backpack. Weekend after weekend I would go around D.C. and Maryland searching and realized that the cost of living is just way too expensive in this area. WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. This made me start to feel that finding a place within my budget was impossible. I decided to write out all the important needs and a few wants that were crucial for my future abode. The list was created in a tiny notebook that I kept in my purse and referenced every couple of days as I scoured through websites for apartment listings.
Two months later the unthinkable happened, I found the “perfect” place. It even came furnished which wasn’t even on my list! Now fast forward to a year and half later that “perfect” place turned out to be a slight nightmare but it truly was a great deal while it lasted (I’ve been in a new place since the beginning of June).
From my daunting apartment search, the the Secret Law of Attraction crash course tip is: If you want it, write it down! Writing down your goals, dreams, or any desired pursuits not only makes them very clear, but you create a place of reference to look every time you start to stray from what you want. Write it down, write it down, write it down!
Crash course tip #2
One of the greatest lessons I have learned, last year is to have faith that everything that I desire will work out. Obsessively over analyzing every minute detail will only cause unnecessary worry and anxiety. Once you learn how to implement the Secret Laws of Attraction there is absolutely no need to be pressed. It will happen. It may not be the next day or month but it will come.
You basically have to “set it and forget it”. I know so cheesy! Just trust me. Figure out what it is that you want, visualize it, write it down, take action towards the goal. Don’t be a couch potato thinking it will just fall into your lap. But don’t obsess about it either. And like my mom always tells me when I am stumped in the tangles of life ” just pray and ask God for guidance”. I’m suggesting this advice to you too when you reach a crossroad or impasse. The last Secret Law of Attraction crash course tip is to “Believe and release”. I mean “set it and forgot it” is a lot easier to remember but you get the idea right?
No fancy photo quote needed. Just believe in yourself and all your desires and release it. These three crash course simple tips for understanding the Secret Law of Attraction have really helped me to survive life in this crazy place called D.C.
Let me know what you think about the law of attraction! And yes, I am back to posting frequently!
Yay me 🙂