If not, answer the questions in a blog post and let me know so that I can link your blog on this post. I want this to be the longest running tag of travelers on YouTube. Especially travelers of color or underrepresnted minority groups.
In retrospect, I’ve never been able to find anything like this on YouTube when preparing for a trip. I honestly believe it will be a great resource to students and anyone who wants to travel.
Have fun!
Introduce yourself (make sure to link your blog/website info as well)
1. How many countries have you visited?
2. Why do you travel?
3. Favorite city or country?
4. Most memorable experience abroad?
5. Best item purchased abroad?
6. Advice for those who want to trave but think they can’t?
*** I said 6 questions in the intro but I am adding 1 more :)***
7. Travel accessory you always pack?
Here are my responses:
Check out Maria of Pencil Philosophy response to the tag!