Since my last Korea post I have done the following:
7/30/11: Sent off my extra documents to my recruiter in Korea ( I used Fedex and it was $84! But UPS was charging $137*insanity*)
I waited for
7/31/11: I obsessively tracked the package everyday until it arrived lol. Especially since there was an issue with them inputting the address incorrectly in their system 🙁
8/3/11: My recruiter informed me that the package arrived and will be reviewed by them and then sent to the employers
8/5/2011: Recieved an email saying that my Notice of Appointment and Contract is being shipped!
And yes today, my friends, I received the fedex package! I perused that contract like I was back working as a research assistant perusing reports.
So now manana I will head to New York to the consulate to apply for my visa and now I can book my ticket:)
I am expected to be in Korea on the 18th for my orientation so now the mad dash begins to pack!
Hey, which recruiter did you use at last to get you to South Korea?