I….AM…sO….BehINd…with my posts!
Yea I know right! Where is the visa post? —>> still in the drafts section…ugh!
With prepparing to move in a few weeks, winding down and tying up lose ends at both of my jobs and just trying to get my life together, I’ve been behind on my posts.
But some good news—> MY VISA/PASSPORT arrived in the mail last week. It took about 14-15 days of waiting which is astonishingly fast!
I heard back from OMS (office of medical services) regarding my Peace Corps application after inquiring. Basically a ton of people have applied this year and I have to wait in a cue (envision a sea of applications) until my files are reviewed. No Biggie! This is precisely why I accepted this Spain position. I would much rather be working abroad and increasing my Spanish language skills, while I WAIT to hear back ^_^
Anyway this is just a really quick hello! The blog is moving platforms in a few weeks as well. So I doubt I will make anymore posts (other then the visa post) until then.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!