I haven’t written on this blog in a while and have been contemplating getting back into it.
But I am so curious to know if anyone still reads blogs? I feel like short form content like Tik Tok and Instagram have people glued to their phones now. And no one is interested in in reading blogs anymore. If you run across this post, can you comment what your thoughts are on this topic? What is your current go to form of indulging in content?
I haven’t done an update it a while and am getting ready to leave life in D.C. Can you believe I have been living here for eight years?! Time flies and I am so ready to go lol. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and do a pulse check to see who still reads blogs. My site was down for almost a month, and it made me realize that I actually do miss writing about my travels!

I will be back consistently on November 1st, 2024, regardless of if anyone still reads this content or not. This use to be a heavy passion project of mine and it is time to get back into it. I have some major updates to share next month when I return. I hope you are all well. And to whomever is still reading this blog, I see you :).