I’ve been absent lately due to moving and changing schools. I now live in a completely new city and am loving every moment.
My previous school, even though I enjoyed it, was not following the BEDA model as it is outlined in the contract. As a result, I had to leave. Though I really miss the children, as a person living and working abroad I have to stand up for myself and speak up when I know I am clearly being taken advantage of.
More will be written in detail about the situation and I will give some advice for how YOU can combat similar situations while teaching abroad.
Today is my second day at the new school so I am off to get ready!
Talk soon 🙂
“I’ve learned in the last 3 weeks that even though I am an expat, I am never alone and people are always willing to help me”
tamaraaaaaaa! I have been following you since I found you this summer, i’m so sorry to hear you’re gone but happy for you as well….please tell me where you are now….I’ve been anxiously awaiting for applications to open up for next school year. I want to hear it all girlfriend!! again, i’m sorry you’re going through this but good for you for standing up for yourself. best of luck!
Tamaraaaaaa!!!!!! I was beginning to wonder where you were and was thinking you were probably so busy working you didn’t have time to post!! I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened but, at the same time I’m happy you’re happy at your new place. Can’t wait to hear all about it. I’ve been anxiously awaiting for the 2014-2015 application for BEDA but, now I’m a little hesitant. Good luck girlfriend! L 🙂
I already sent you my email…please write me.
Hi! I am still in Spain and just got internet in my piso. Thanks for checking out the blog. Update coming soon! The application is now open!
I recently applied with the JET Program and also plan on applying to teach English in South Korea. What program would you suggest going through?
Hi! I’ve never done Jet but did apply last year. I have met people who are in the Jet program and they love it. I enjoyed teaching in South Korea and Spain is going OK. I would say it depends on where you want to spend a year of your life teaching & experiencing a new culture? But definitely apply to both places so that you have options!!
I have a couple questions to ask:
What recruiter did you go with when you were teaching English in South Korea(Footprints, Reach to Teach, etc.)
Where were you placed?
In your opinion, what was your favorite place to visit in Korea and would you go back to visit?
Hi Wayne! I used Footprints. And I have many older blog posts from where I was placed. Just search “south korea” in the search bar. I loved everywhere I visited in Korea because I love to explore. I would hop on the train or bus and just go explore a new city after school and on the weekends. And yes! I would go back to visit. There are so many things I still need to see there 🙂
Thanks! Currently, I am working on a blog about Japanese pop culture and would like to know if you know anyone that would be interested in looking at it. My blog website is https://internationalwayne101.wordpress.com.