One major part of teaching to consider if you want to join this profession is dealing with OUTBREAKS!
For example last month there was an outbreak of “gripe” which is the flu. OK…this is expected in the winter and with the children sitting in such close proximity to each other it’s hard for them not to sneeze in each others face.
Yesterday one teacher told me her son came home with head lice. WTF! He is in my first year of nursery class! They quietly checked the other students hair to make sure it hadn’t spread. But I’m pretty sure they didn’t send a notice home.
After school I ran home to brush my hair out and check for lice just to be safe.
*GOSH!! The thought now as I type makes me want to puke.
It took me 45 mins to brush my hair out with a Denman.
Thank GOD I didn’t have any creepy crawlies. I proceeded to wash my hair and ferociously scrub my scalp clean. *Puke…the thought again
The life of a teacher…
P.S. Do you use instagram? Leave your name in the comments! I’d love to check out your pictures 🙂
Unfortunately it is all too common in primary/elementary schools. Sigh!
Le sigh…indeed! 🙂