Step one:
Around this time last year I perused the website and found as much information regarding the program as possible. Even googling “BEDA Spain” returned Powerpoint’s and blog posts with requirements about application process.
Early November (2012) I emailed the program manager expressing my interest in applying and requested the application. The program manager responded with the application and instructions for meeting the Januray 31st 2013 deadline.
Step two:
My application consisted of:
- CV(resume)
- Cover letter recounting why you should be selected for the program
- Program Application
*It was 2 pages and requested the standard information: Personal details, Education, and Employment record
4. Picture
The program manager responded the next day with next steps:
Thank you for your application.
We’ll be in touch just after Christmas to set up an interview.
Step 3
Wait…..for a while to hear back:) Enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas and
New Year’s Eve while you wait. Oh! And apply to other programs like: The Jet Programme, The Ministry of Education Language and Culture assistant and countless others!
Around January 15th 2013 I received this email:
Step Four:
Two days later the program manager emailed with this:
You have been selected for an interview for the BEDA Program 2013/2014.
Your interview will be the 23/01/2012 at 16:20pm (SPAIN) at (or via) Skype with (* I removed that name of the person best it could change).
If you are unable to attend please let us know by email as soon as possible.
The interview will be 10-15 minutes so please prepare any questions you may have for the interview.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Kind Regards
I honestly don’t remember what we talk about. I just remember that it was really quick but over 15 minutes. Seriously though the only reason it went past 10-15 minutes was because I had a ton of questions!
Here are some sample interview questions (based for my South Korea experience):
- Why do you want to teach in ( your specific country)?
- Do you have any experience teaching?
- Tell us of a time when you had a disagreement with a coworker and how it was resolved?
- Are you certified to teach English as a second language? If not what steps will you take to prepare before leaving?
At the end of the interview she informed me that follow up would be at the end of February to early March. When I didn’t hear anything by “early March” I sent along an email. The program manager replied on March 18th with this:
Hi Tamara,
Late March, Early April is the timeline.
We’ll be in touch soon.
Kind regards,
Step Five:
Step Six:
On March 20th this email came:
Then on April 16th I received this email:
What!!! Wait listed… I was very confused. With a CTESOL, masters degree and a year of ESL teaching experience….wait listed? Not to mention I’ve even lived in Spain already for a semester during graduate school. (*shrugs)
Of course I emailed about the wait list and was told the usual “ there were many qualified applicants this year…blah blah blah ha ha 🙂
So I just waited. But I also applied to the Ministry program and was waiting for the results of that as well. I remember I also wrote to bloggers who were in the BEDA program. One of which explained she was also wait listed when she applied.
Step Seven: (additional step if you get wait listed)
Exactly one month later this email came:
CONGRATULATIONS on being selected into the BEDA program for the 2013/2014 school year.
The school you have been assigned is:…
Now there you have it in six…well maybe seven steps, on how I applied to the BEDA Spain program AND how you can too!
Still have questions? Leave a comment below!!
Hey! I can’t seem to find any information on the website on how to apply for BEDA:
It just keeps asking me to login and won’t give me the option to set up an account so I would be able to do that. How did you go about emailing someone for the application? Thanks!
Hey! Sorry for the delay. I am not sure if the website has been fixed but try this: Go here:
In the search box on the right hand side type ‘ questions’.
That will bring you up the option ‘solicitudes’
In there you will find all the information on how to apply.
I was wondering if you have any information about BEDA applicants who applied after the Jan 31st deadline. I just heard about the program and sent in my information, cover letter in Spanish, CV, reference letters, application and photo today and am really hoping to get in as I have 2+ yrs teaching English in Madrid to various ages (mainly conversation), speak very fluent Spanish, have my TEFL and university degree. What do you think my chances are?
PS. I know you might not have an answer, but I was wondering if you’d had any first hand experience with other BEDA applicants.
Also, I looked into the auxiliaries program through MECD, but the pay is quite low. Do you know of any other language assistant programs for Spain? My husband is Spanish so I could get my PR in Spain and then work teaching English f/t making more money, but I don’t really want to go through the paperwork without a guaranteed source of income first.
I haven’t heard of anyone getting accepted after the deadline. But one can hope I guess. Just apply to all the teaching in Spain programs if that’s where you really want to be 🙂 It will work out in the end.
Hi Tamara-
I am wondering if you applied while living in Korea and if so how you went about obtaining a visa while living in Korea? We are considering applying but are on contract in Korea until August of 2015. Thanks for you help!!
Hi Sara! No I was already stateside when I applied. But you will have to go to the Spain embassy in Seoul. Let me know if you need anymore help! Here is the link