My second to last weekend in Madridejos I got an invitation to visit the Safron museum with the secretary from my school. I also received an invitation from another teacher to watch her perform in a folk dance festival in her hometown Consuega.
Here are some pictures from the event. I will be doing a video about the festival!
I completely understand why this spice is so expensive now. Every flower gives about 2-3 threads. And it is hand picked. It actually a ton of work to get just 1 grams’ worth so imagine 5!
I had a great time! What’s your favorite picture?
Larissa says
Okay, now I get it. I knew it was expensive but the work to get it. I did not know it was s hard. The hands with the yellow fingers picking the flower I’d my favorite, but they are all awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.
Larissa says
So hard and is my favorite. Dang auto correct.