How are you all doing? We are living through unprecedented times. But will make it through.
I must admit my previous life as an expat and Peace Corps Volunteer has prepared me for these endless days of quarantine. You see, when you move abroad away from familiarity, family, and friends, you end up spending a lot of time alone, until you find your tribe.
Spend this time getting to know yourself. Try out all those hobbies you’ve been delaying. Exercise and meditate. Cook yourself some shrimp and filet mignon. Write a book.
The world has been put on an automatic pause and reset. I honestly think GOD got so fed up with all the poli-tricks, climate change disregard, and people’s lack of empathy and sent everyone to bed early.
GOD: Go to your house and stay in your room
Me: Wait me? (points finger to self)
Me: Everyone…in Washington, D.C.? (cue look of confusion)
GOD: No, the whole world!
Me: Like, you mean, the WHOLE…WORLD? Like that song? (Starts to awkwardly hum “He’s got the whole world in his hands”…)
GOD: (Shakes head and vanishes)
Me: Woooow…(turns around and speaks to no one yet everyone all at once) See what ya’ll did. The whole world is now in quarantine. Ya’ll done pissed off the heavenly father!
LOL…I’m joking. But try to find the blessing in the terrible situtions. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone that has lost a loved one during this time.
Stay strong everyone as we get through Covid-19 and quarantine.