I’ve never been so happy to return home to my bed! I know I know! You are probably thinking
“But you were in the beautiful paradise of Jamaica”…how can I be happy to return to wet cold and icy Connecticut.
1 word: Mosquitoes
Currently I am in the process of editing pictures to post.
I a few ideas of how I will present them which I will share now.
1. Fruits of Jamaica
2. Fauna & Flora
3. Hope Gardens & Zoo
And I don’t know what else yet. But I have a ton of videos to edit too. Check out the YouTube channel this weekend for a new video (or two).
Of course as soon as I returned I picked up a bug. Just a cold though and I’m getting over it. Just been trying to eat right and drink tons of ginger, lemon and honey tea that I made from scratch.
Ok, that’s it for now. Oh! Check out some breakfast pictures from yesterday. Experimented with making egg white muffins. Turned out really yummy. And of course some homemade granola. I can post the recipe if anyone is interested.
I hope you guys are doing well! More post coming soon 🙂
Welcome back! Can’t wait to see more pic and footage 🙂