So many people in my new town have second homes in the country side or beach homes in Malaga. I’ve received so many invitations to visit “al campo”. One of which came from my “dueños” ! They are a very lovely couple. In my head I referred to them as my “abuelos” 🙂
On a lovely sunday afternoon I made the trek up to “my abuelos” country home for lunch and site seeing. I drove up with their daughter, who is 36, her little girl and husband. The view from their home/farm was amazing!
The nearest house was an Aunt who lived about a 10 minute drive away. I could see the house in the distance and asked how long would it take to walk. They told me about 35-40 minutes but it is best to drive.
It was such a great and relaxing experience chilling in the country side. Of course I snapped a million pictures.
Check them out on my flickr account.
Do you ever runaway to the countryside?
Haha…seriously though, which do you prefer city life for country living?
Hmmm city vs the country…that’s a tough one, I enjoy them both. I simply adored going to el campo while I was there. I felt that when people invited you, it was so sincere and they really wanted you to be part of the family and not just out of obligation. Sigh, I do miss being in Spain. So glad you are enjoying it all.
Thanks Christine! The people here are so hospitable! I love it!