Don’t you just love finding new blogs with tons of information that potentially is life changing?
Me too!
A few weeks ago I was catching up on Think and Grow Chick, a blog I have been reading for a few years now. Courtney mentioned a new feature she will be doing called “Weekly wishes”. The idea is from another site called “The Nectar Collective” which is created by a really cool and inspiring chica named, Melyssa.
Every week Melyssa lists out her Weekly Wishes” and encourages readers to join along and post about goals they hope to accomplish during the week. She also has built a community of women (and men too) who reach out and comment on other bloggers posts.
I really love the tribe created behind this and am happy that Courtney decided to share!
This week I have decided to join along and lay out my first ever list of Weekly Wishes!
Here goes….
Actually wait… I must preface this by saying that this is so timely since I am so behind on my life in Spain updates. I told myself I would publish more timely pieces this year and this list will surely keep me accountable to my words. After all its public 🙂

This is actually wall art outside of a restaurant. I was visiting a little village near by and had to snap a picture. It’s too cute 🙂
1. Yoga 4 to 5 times this week. I am trying to become an avid Yogi. I want to be consistent with the practice and watch my body loosen and become more flexible over the next few months. Last Thursday night I stumbled on a Yoga inspired instagram from a young woman name _KARIOOO. I was amazed at was what she is able to do with her body in a year and a half. I emailed her that night to get some tips for a beginner. She promptly responded and even sent some YT video suggests. She definitely stressed practicing everyday and being consistent as the main components for what she is able to do now. I bought my new mat on Friday and started practicing that night. This week I am going to practice 4 to 5 times. No less than four days but of course more than 5 if I can handle it.
2. Insanity workout everyday this week and eat clean. I started the program again last week (been using it since 2010 for workouts but never completed it) and this week I will not miss any days. Mostly importantly I will not eat any potato chips or drink any Cola-Cao or eat anything outside of the meals I prepare.
3. Update my blog and YT channel. Post everyday this week (on the blog) until I am caught up with my Spain updates. I’ve been really slacking with my posting. Granted life has been really busy and I was sick (again -__- ) but I will make time to accomplish the things that I enjoy doing. Though I am considering muting my YT channel there are some videos that I must upload before I do so.
4. Choose a new layout for this blog and stick with it! AND finalize the new website for my business endeavor and start publishing the new content. I have been the queen of procrastination lately. Well not actually, I’ve been working on these things but at turtle pace out of fear. It’s crazy how self-doubt can creep in and wreak havoc on your mentality. But remembering my positive affirmations and trying to stay focused will help. I keep experimenting with the look of this blog because I am not happy with it. I am testing out this new child theme but the font is so small. I can’t figure how to enhance it. Ughhh! Nope not happy at all. And I am working on another website and still can’t come to a decision on the logo * Le sigh. It was supposed to launch on 2.14.14 🙁 But this week I will force myself to just make the decisions I need to make and stop dragging my feet.
5. Write in my gratitude journal EVERYDAY! I use to be so good with this when I was living in South Korea. I think I’ll put my journal near my bag so that in the mornings when I get ready to leave it will be hard to forget to write, before rushing out the door.
These are my goals for the week. Trying to keep it light and not overwhelm myself 🙂
oops! Forgot one!
6. Finalize my Europe trip planning for March to July. I’ve had my new school calendar for almost 2 months now. This should be done already! No excuses! ha ha. I just need to figure out where it is that I want to explore for my upcoming days off and for Easter week/spring break ( known as la semana santa here in Spain). Ticket prices are only increasing so this is a major priority.
Yay, you’ve joined Weekly Wishes! I’m happy that I inspired you, thanks for the shoutout! I like your goals for this week, it sounds like you are into a lot of cool stuff. I’m right there with you on needing to workout regularly and eat clean everyday. My eating has gotten WAY off track, not sure what happened. But good luck with your yoga/working out, your upcoming trip, blogging and journaling! I look forward to seeing how you do next week 😉
Thanks Courtney! I’m so happy you shared your find 🙂 I loved your wedding photos by the way! Chica you look so toned! I feel like there is no room for slacking since I posted my goals online haha. Already have the Yoga mat set up for later. I look forward to reading up on your weekly wishes as well! Have a good week!
Linking up and sharing my weekly wishes has def led me to a lot of amazing bloggers! Good luck on your goals for this week! I def need to get back on my yoga schedule
Yes! So true! I’m really enjoying checking out new blogs. So much fresh information. Everyone is really inspiring!
Good luck on all of your goals! That’s quite a list 🙂 And that picture is very cute!
Wonderful list! Good luck with your goals this week. I have a hard time sticking with a blog design also.
Wow, that’s a quite ambitious list, but good luck with everything! And welcome to weekly wishes.
I love the “Weekly Wishes”Idea would love to participate. Good Luck with all your goals, I know I am late but I hope you got through them all.
Thanks! It’s been an interesting week thus far 🙂
Thanks Sarah! Glad I’m not the only one ha ha!
Thanks Maria! Having ambition is always great 😉
Thank you Larissa! You should start blogging and join along 🙂