I’ve been really busy lately traveling and trying to start an entrepreneurial endeavor.
Oh yeah and moving along with my Peace Corps application. Had my final interview a week and a half ago.
Def have been slacking on my blog posts.
This weekend however will be a quiet one and I have a ton of posts to write and about 3 YouTube videos to film.
I most likely will stop making YouTube videos after March 2014.
Anyway here are a few pictures showing what I’ve been up to lately.
Hey, Tamara–I hope Spain’s treating you well!! I had my interview for BEDA last month, and to answer your question, for the most part it was good–I only fumbled when Esther asked me to describe lesson plans I would do for different levels of students on the first day. Not to mention, the fact that I admitted I don’t have much job experience with/educating children made things interesting…Well, we’ll see how things go!!
Good luck!