The fire was reignited in me, a few months ago, to get back into blogging. And finally out of my writer’s block funk. And then life happened again and I stopped. It wasn’t just the lack excitement for blogging that left, it was the fact that I haven’t been traveling. And had no new travel stories to tell. If you are curious as to why I have temporarily stopped traveling watch the video below.

I pondered what to do with this travel blog? What new content I could produce? Or if it made more sense to just shut it down? But when you’ve worked on a site for over eight years, it’s hard to let it go.
During November 2018, I became really driven to try using a planner again to manage my life, career, and personal projects. This has lowkey turned into an obsession. And going down the rabbit hole of YouTube planner videos has just added more to the madness. The entire experience has had me examining my life, future goals (intentions), and creative pursuits. Though I did enjoy travel blogging in the past, I had to mentally separate the association of “happiness when blogging” from “travel“. It was difficult.
I examined where the writer’s block was coming from and now have a better idea of the blog’s future. Well actually in the NOW…today! When I start traveling again, I’ll contribute travel stories again. Life goes on here in D.C. and there are a ton of tips to share about life here as an aging millennial(yea, we exist!).
“An unexamined life is not worth living“
It feels good to get back into the swing of writing and trying to become a better blogger/storyteller. Now that I have a new WHY, the missing link, I am eager to produce new content.
Thank you to anyone who has stuck around since the beginning reading tales from South Korea and Spain. I really appreciate the support over the years!
Let’s make 2019 the year of consistency (I’m really serious this time) and good vibes :).