I posted my first weekly wish list over a month ago. Since then my life has encountered whirlwind of activity but I am happy to check in again.
The last weekly wish list:
1. Yoga 4 to 5 times this week.
2. Insanity workout everyday this week and eat clean.
3. Update my blog and YT channel.
4. Choose a new layout for this blog and stick with it! AND finalize the new website for my business endeavor and start publishing the new content.
5. Write in my gratitude journal EVERYDAY!
6. Finalize my Europe trip planning for March to July.
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1. I’ve been doing yoga about 3-4 times a week. Once I found a teacher (online) that I was content with it made the experience more enjoyable. I watch Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. Check her out if you are looking for an online teacher.
2. I did Insanity everyday that week. But ate clean 75 % the week. Damn you OREOS!
3. My YouTube channel got a facelift sorta. Well the thumbnails at least 😉
4. I finally have an updated blog layout that I am happy with. It sucks though going through over 200 posts to made sure they are SEO sound, formatted correctly and tagged properly 🙁
5. I wrote in my gratitude journal for about a week and then forgot about it. *sigh*
6. Europe trip planning has happened step by step. Last month I stayed close home and visited Cordaba. This month I had planned on going to Amsterdam and Brussels. But will move that trip up to June. Next week I will visit Barcelona for the 5th time and explore Bilboa. I may head over to France as well.
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My wishes for this week:
1. Finish Module one of my TKT/CLIL University of Cambridge class. I’ve been dragging my feet with this because I hate online classes. But it is an requirement for my teaching program. AND my exam is April 26th!
Mama mia! (-‸ლ)….I’m screwed
2. Finish working on the layout for my new food and travel website. Yea…I just need to sit down and put all the pieces together and try not to get discouraged. I hope to launch 4-14-14.
3. Enjoy my vacation from work! We have 11 days off for Semana Santa (Holy week aka Easter week). 11 DAYS WITH NO STUDENTS!
I give myself permission to SKIP home on friday and enjoy my 4 hour train ride up to Barcelona saturday!
There you have it! My weekly wish #2
P.S. I can’t believe Melyssa is only 25! Mama mia I’m getting old x_x
HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY!!!!
I’m so excited to have come across your blog through the weekly wishes link up! I totally hear you about online classes, I always lacked motivation for those ones when I was in university. I hope you find the motivation to get it done!
Enjoy your vacation, it sounds like it will be a good one!
Hi Chantel! Thanks for checking out my blog. As I type this I am debating over watching Game of Thrones or doing my online homework. * sigh
Wow – Insanity workout (my jaw is dropping), hats off to you! Don’t know if I’ll ever be up for that. I loved your Gratitude Journal goal, I try that too and always forget too! Enjoy your time off and what fun to be planning a couple of trips abroad – look forward to following all your adventures!
Like the new layout. Looking forward to your post on your travels. Have a good time.
I like the wish. I need to get in on that action. ASAP…:-)
Thanks Rissa!
Get on it!
Ha ha! You should check out Fitness Blender on YouTube they have tons over videos at different levels. Oye Vey! My gratitude journal 🙁 …I’m so lazy with it.
I am not sure how that weekly wishes work, I think you have to have a blog? so I am just writing my down in a journal. I know it say something about commenting on how you found out about it and your blog was were I saw the post. So, good luck with this weeks wishes.